Womenpriests - A New Model of Ordained Ministry
Agape – a Community of New Hope is one of several communities using male and female priests to preside over our masses. According to a booklet, “Here I Am, I Am Ready: A New Model of Ordained Ministry,’ Roman Catholic Womenpriests’ (RCWP) is an international movement within the Roman Catholic Church. The first seven Womenpriests were ordained by two bishops on a boat in the Danube River in Germany on Palm Sunday, 2002. Since then, scores of women all over the world have been ordained, including our presiders Kathy Rolenc and Susan Vaickauski.
“Vocation is a ‘Love Gift' from God," says Susan. “It is given for the purpose of serving more fully and completely the People of God. Vocation comes from that place within us where our deepest desires align with God’s desire and in the end, God always prevails.”
Before ordination, women called to the priesthood must complete a Masters of Divinity or Masters of Theology program and take courses in Sacramental Preparation, Liturgical Practices and Spiritual Discernment under the supervision of the RCWP.
Ordinations of Roman Catholic Womenpriests are valid, according to the RCWP, “because of our apostolic succession within the Roman Catholic Church. The principal consecrating Roman Catholic male bishops who ordained our first women bishops are bishops with apostolic succession.”
“Vocation is not a goal that can be pursued,” Susan adds. “It is listening to our life telling us who we are, who God intends us to be.”